Corporate Transparency Act Back on Hold (For Now)

If this feels like legal “whack-a-mole,” you’re not alone! Yesterday, Thursday, December 26, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order vacating its earlier decision to stay the District Court’s preliminary injunction, which had enjoined the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act’s (CTA) compliance reporting deadlines. (See Corporate Transparency Act Reinstated by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals) The Fifth Circuit’s initial stay temporarily allowed enforcement of CTA deadlines while the case was under review. However, the Court has now reversed its earlier decision, explaining that its merits panel is expediting the case and needs to preserve the constitutional status … Continue reading

Corporate Transparency Act Reinstated by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

A prior post, Corporate Transparency Act Blocked Nationwide by Texas Federal Court, reported that on December 3, Judge Amos L. Mazzant III of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a preliminary nationwide injunction against the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). The post also advised staying informed, as the compliance deadline of December 31 could be reinstated. Today, December 23, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the CTA, which mandates businesses disclose their beneficial owners to combat financial crimes. The government successfully argued that the law is constitutional and vital for national security. In its decision, … Continue reading

Opportunity for North and South Carolina Licensed Attorney

Are you an attorney licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina, or eligible for licensure in both states using a recent UBE score? Are you looking for a friendly and collaborative work environment with a culture that supports a balanced professional life? If so, Law Firm Carolinas ( is seeking an attorney with 0 to 3 years of experience to join our offices in Raleigh, Greensboro, or Charlotte. This position involves working with homeowner and condominium association clients on a variety of matters, including: Qualifications: Why Join Us?This is an excellent opportunity for motivated individuals who are eager to produce … Continue reading

FinCEN Issues Key Guidance on Corporate Transparency Act Filings

Last week, we shared an update (Corporate Transparency Act Blocked Nationwide by Texas Federal Court) on Judge Mazzant of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issuing a preliminary nationwide injunction against the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), effectively halting its enforcement nationwide. Naturally, this decision has raised many questions, including, “What does this mean for our community?” In response, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), which oversees Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting, has issued a formal statement addressing the matter. While the statement is available on the FinCEN website at, it may be challenging to locate. … Continue reading

Corporate Transparency Act Blocked Nationwide by Texas Federal Court

The federal Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) applies to most community associations and has certain federal filing requirements that start as to existing HOAs and condos on January 1, 2025. For more details, see our prior blog posts (What Is the “Corporate Transparency Act” and Why It Matters to Your Association and Directors, Update on The Corporate Transparency Act: Tips for Managers and Board Members, Be Aware of Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Scams!) or these videos by my law partner Steve Black: Manager’s Update on Corporate Transparency Act or Board of Directors Update on the Corporate Transparency Act. However, yesterday, December … Continue reading

“The Language of Meetings” Grammar Girl Podcast

“The Grammar Girl” (Mignon Fogarty) has an award-winning podcast that is also one of the longest running — almost 20 years! She is an author of numerous books as well as a New York Times bestselling author on writing tips. Her Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing is a five-time winner of “Best Education Podcast.” In this episode, she has me on to discuss the meaning of and interesting history of some words associated with meetings, including To find “The Language of Meetings” episode, visit The Grammar Girl Podcast or search “Grammar Girl” wherever you get your … Continue reading

North Carolina Hurricane Helene Resources Sheet

Earlier this month we shared information on Legal Tips for HOAs and Condos Following a Natural Disaster, which included links to past association articles as well as online resources. The Community Associations Institute (CAI) has prepared a three-page handout on state, local, and federal resources that might assist those impacted by Hurricane Helene. The document includes guidance on: The North Carolina Hurricane Helene Resources sheet can be found below. CAI will be posting and updating the document as more information becomes available, but said we could share in hopes it is of help.

Voting Platforms for Nonprofits, HOAs, and Other Organizations

Our firm’s attorneys serve as parliamentarians for many of the largest trade and professional associations as well as counsel to many hundreds of community associations (HOA and condominium associations). Given this extensive experience, we are frequently asked to advise on electronic and online voting platforms. These days, deliberative bodies often rely on electronic voting systems to conduct elections and facilitate decision-making, especially when it would be impractical or costly for members to gather in person. Digital voting platforms streamline this process by providing secure, efficient, and user-friendly tools that ensure votes are conducted fairly and transparently. Voting platforms generally fall … Continue reading

Legal Tips for HOAs and Condos Following a Natural Disaster

Whenever a natural disaster strikes–whether hurricane, flood, tornado–our office is inundated with calls from HOAs and condo associations on how to move forward. That’s a difficult question to answer globally, as no one size fits all. Community associations vary. Condominiums, townhomes, and single family homes are owned differently and have different responsibilities. Governing documents, such as declarations or bylaws, also have different wording on who is responsible for maintenance of certain items. As a result, while this article can’t provide legal advice for a specific association, here are tips to consider. (1) Prevent further damage. Almost without exception, associations are … Continue reading

Are You Handling Your Consent Calendar Right?

The Consent Calendar A recent trend, particularly among governmental bodies and REALTOR® organizations, is to include a category of business on the agenda known as the Consent Calendar or Consent Agenda (or sometimes called a Unanimous Consent Agenda). The purpose of this category, which is often near the beginning of the meeting, is to handle all noncontroversial items at one time. For instance, a Consent Calendar heading might be placed in the order of business near the beginning of the meeting and include on it the approval of the minutes. Other routine, administrative matters that are approved at each meeting … Continue reading

Why Are Our HOA/Condo Bylaws So Bad?

The HOA/condo attorneys at Law Firm Carolinas are regularly asked to create or to amend association bylaws. On any given day, different attorneys are working on edits or even complete rewrites of association bylaws. Before getting into why that is so often necessary, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. Here are the governing documents most all associations have (or need to have): With that background as to the different documents, let’s focus again on why bylaws so often don’t seem well crafted for a community association. The primary reason we are so often asked to assist with … Continue reading

Why Wait till After the Meeting to Write Meeting Minutes?

Whether following Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised or standard parliamentary practices, meeting minutes tend to be fairly short. That’s because minutes are not supposed to be a record of what members SAID at a meeting, but what was done. (See A Minute on Meeting Minutes or this Minutes Outline) But if compiling the minutes after a meeting is still bothersome, there are ways to move much of the effort to before the meeting. (If you wonder how you can describe what happened at the meeting PRIOR to the meeting, stay with me.) Meeting Minutes Template Minutes are fairly formulaic. … Continue reading

There Is No “Next Order of Business”

The humorist Will Rogers once said “It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.” I’ve shared several recent articles (Why the Chair Never Asks for Old Business and Banish the Phrase “I So Move” from Meetings) on what meeting attendees are certain SHOULD be done, but “it just ain’t so.” One phrase you often hear in meetings is the chair making reference to the “next order of business,” as in “The next order of business is . . . .” As suggested by the name, the “order of business” is the … Continue reading

Banish the Phrase “I So Move” from Meetings

A prior article examined Why the Chair Never Asks for Old Business. Let’s take a look at another phrase that’s used too often in meetings when it should be avoided–“I so move.” Sometimes at a board or membership meeting following the remarks of a member or a committee report, the speaker or another member will say “So moved!” or “I so move.” For only 2 or 3 words, few phrases can lead a business meeting into more confusion and trouble. For organizations that follow Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition), the phrase “I so move” only appears once. And that’s in … Continue reading

Huge Jump in Condominium Insurance Premiums

Here’s an interesting (and frightening) insurance article from The Wall Street Journal. The report seems available on the subscribers’ only site as well as generally online, so here’s a link that should work: Big Jump in Insurance Costs Strikes Condos. One association’s insurance renewal went up four times with 12 carriers refusing to even quote a policy, likely due to the many recent natural disasters and higher rebuilding costs. Industry statistics show average condo insurance increases of 20% with some being 300% to 1,000%. And such increases come on the heals of some states requiring greater expenditures by condominiums as … Continue reading

Who Was Robert and Why Do his Rules Rule?

Originally appeared as Who Was Robert and Why Do his Rules Rule? from the May 23, 2023 Presbyterian Outlook. As an attorney and professional parliamentarian, I’m sometimes asked, “Who was Robert and why do his rules rule?” It’s a timely question. Henry Martyn Robert, the original author of Robert’ Rule of Order, died 100 years ago on May 11, 1923. Since that time, versions of his parliamentary manual have come to dominate meetings. While other parliamentary manuals are available, Robert’s Rules of Order is the 800-pound gorilla of the parliamentary world. It is the most popular and easiest-to-locate book on meeting procedure. Most … Continue reading

NC Community Association Legislative Update – February 28, 2024

House Select Committee on Homeowners’ Associations Issues Final Report Today (Wednesday, February 28) was the fourth and final meeting of the NC House Select Committee on Homeowners’ Associations. As a reminder, this Committee was created by House Bill 311 (see NC Community Association Legislative Update – May 9, 2023) and tasked with examining planned communities and condominium associations, including: The Committee was instructed to provide a final report to the General Assembly on its study, including any proposed legislation, on or before March 1, 2024, which it did through a 27-page report with eight main legislative recommendations. Law Firm Carolinas … Continue reading

When Is an HOA/Condo Rental Amendment Unreasonable?

When it comes to declaration amendments, our firm is most often asked about restrictions on rentals, whether complete or percentage bans, restrictions on short-term rentals, or limiting corporate rentals. (See HOA/Condo Rental Restrictions, Corporate Owners & Institutional Investors and Short-Term Rentals in North Carolina and South Carolina HOAs and Condominiums) In a decision issued this week (February 21, 2024), the North Carolina Court of Appeals struck down a condominium rental amendment as unreasonable. While not really creating any new law, associations considering a declaration amendment, particularly as to rental restrictions, should be aware of the case. Mileview LLC et al … Continue reading

Why the Chair Never Asks “Is There Any Old Business?” (HINT: Because There’s No Such Thing)

At some point in some board meeting, you’re like to hear a presiding officer ask, “Is there any Old Business?” and wait for a reply. It’s intended as an opportunity for members to raise issue that were addressed at an earlier meeting. The problem with this question is twofold: THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “OLD BUSINESS“ Whether your parliamentary authority is Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition) or some other parliamentary manual, there’s no category of business named “Old Business.” The proper term for business that carries over from the prior meeting is “Unfinished Business.” The difference is … Continue reading