TWO 2020 HOA/Condo Law Days Coming Up!

Community Association Law Day is always one of the most popular programs of the North Carolina Chapter of the Community Associations Institute. This year there are TWO: Charlotte on Friday, February 28 and Raleigh on Friday, March 13. Attendees include HOA/condo board members, community leaders, and community managers. Speakers include many of the best community association professionals in the state.

Five Law Firm Carolinas attorneys will be presenting at the 2020 Community Association Law Days (a record!). Here are their topics:

What HOA/Condo Leaders Need to Know About Meeting Procedure & Robert’s Rules of OrderJim Slaughter. Running community association meetings, whether board meetings or membership meetings, can be a challenge—or worse. Use parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order to make your meetings shorter and more legal and efficient. Learn what rules you should follow, the order of business, agendas, minutes, board vs. annual meeting procedures, motions, voting, closed sessions, and parliamentary resources. Jim Slaughter is an HOA/condo attorney, Certified Professional Parliamentarian, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, and author of two recent books on association meeting procedure, both updated for the new Robert’s Rules of Order: Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track and Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules, Fifth Edition.

Green Initiatives for Associations: Solar Laws & Trends, Electric Vehicle Stations and More – David Wilson. What are the solar laws and trends affecting North Carolina communities? This session will look at national trends and what other states are doing, as well as the current law in North Carolina and pending legislation. David’s session will also prepare boards and managers with the tools they need to be ready now and for possible solar changes coming down the road.

Tick Tick Tick . . . Time Bombs Hidden in Association Restrictions, Rules & Regulation, and Policies – Steve Black & Adam Marshall. Are you aware of the time bombs hidden in your rules and regulations? As rules and regulations evolve, boards unintentionally, but inevitably, tend to overstep the association’s authority, violate the federal and state fair housing acts, or the FCC rules on satellite dishes. Steve and Adam will go through the most common time bombs and provide alternative provisions to diffuse the bomb and prevent an explosion.

Neighbor to Neighbor Discrimination Mock Trial – Steve Black & Harmony Taylor. Experience what litigation is like! Steve and Harmony will put on a mock trial about a homeowner who has complained to the Board of Directors about discriminatory comments from a neighbor. The audience will  be the jury to weigh the evidence to determine if there has been a violation of the law, whether the association had a duty to take action, and if so did they take enough action. This will be a different type of presentation as audience members will sit in judgment and render a verdict, while also learning about new laws on hostile housing environments.

The cost for each Law Day is $85 for CAI-NC members, $110 for others, and includes free parking, light breakfast, lunch, and access to all speakers’ slides. Preregistration is required. Registration for the Charlotte Law Day ends today, Friday, 2/21.

The full schedule and registration info for each Law Day can be found at:

  • 2020 Community Association Law Day – Charlotte (Friday, February 28)
  • 2020 Community Association Law Day – Raleigh (Friday, March 13)


HOA & Condo Associations