My newest book, Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track, is now available!
My first book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Parliamentary Procedure Fast-Track (2012) has been very popular, and Penguin asked for a new edition of the book updated for the new Robert’s Rule of Order and to include a discussion of virtual and electronic meetings. Proper meeting procedure is more important than ever—especially in these contentious times. With that in mind, the book also covers dealing with problem members and problem chairs. To better reflect its focus, the book has been renamed Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track: The Brief and Easy Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for the Modern Meeting.
(FYI, for those who want to know even more, the Fifth Edition of Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules will be published in July.)
In authoring these books, I’ve drawn upon my many experiences with meetings of all sizes. By way of background, I’m an attorney, Certified Professional Parliamentarian, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, and past President of the American College of Parliamentary Lawyers. I’ve tried to provide practical advice from my decades of experience working with meetings ranging from small community association (HOA and condo) boards to conventions with 10,000 delegates, including some of the largest associations and unions in the country, such as the National Education Association, AFL-CIO, American Nurses Association, American College of Emergency Physicians, and many more.
Here’s the publisher’s book summary:
Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track is a quick go-to guide with details on the most used motions, appropriate informal procedures for smaller boards, and general advice for shortening meetings. The book is designed to get you up and running for your next meeting as quickly as possible and includes:
- The fundamentals of parliamentary procedure, with tips on knowing which rules to use for your meetings.
- Simple suggestions for making, seconding, and debating motions.
- A primer on voting, from knowing when it’s required, to breaking ties, to handling absentee and proxy votes.
- Straightforward strategies for setting and sticking to an agenda.
- How to efficiently record your meeting’s minutes.
- Tips for handling disruptive members and tyrannical chairs.
- Extensive discussion of electronic meetings and tips for running better virtual meetings.
The book is available from Amazon (here’s a link) and other traditional and online bookstores, as well as electronically for the Kindle, Nook and iPad.
There are also many free charts and articles on Robert’s and meeting procedure at my website, www.jimslaughter.com. All of the information on the website is free, so feel free to use or share.
If you like the book or have thoughts you’d like to share, please email me at [email protected]. Also, a comment or post wherever you buy the book would be appreciated, as that is how people find out about books these days.