HOA/Condo Radio Call-In Program Thursday, August 23
I’ll be a guest on Thursday, August 23, 2018 at noon on WHQR Public Radio in Wilmington for CoastLine: HOAs in the Cape Fear Region. The program, which begins at noon, will include call-in questions about “how to navigate the rules, including what to do when you have a grievance.” If you’re interested, the program can be heard on the radio (91.3), streaming, or by podcast.
(Follow-up: For anyone interested, the recorded program can be found at
2017 Community Association Fact Book NOW LIVE
The Foundation for Community Association Research has released both Fact Book 2017 and the summary Statistical Review 2017, all of which is available online at:
If you’ve never seen this detailed information on HOAs and condos nationally and by state, you should take a look! According to the Foundation, the Fact Book “explains the growth and acceptance of community associations and how they work to manage and protect America’s housing stock.” I always find the information interesting and regularly cite it and use it for articles, presentations and when talking to policymakers.
For instance:
- In 1970 there were 10,000 community associations nationwide. Now there are 344,500!
- 70 million residents live in community associations in the US
- North Carolina is 5th in the number of community associations, trailing only Florida, California, Texas, and Illinois
- Our state has 13,950 community associations with 2.8 million residents!
- As to North Carolina, CAI estimates:
- The number of HOA/condo board and committee volunteers: 96,000
- The value of board and committee volunteer time: $80,500,000
- The value of homes in associations: $238,100,000,000
- NC specific information can be found at the North Carolina State Summary page