As 2016 President of the NC Chapter of the Community Associations Institute, I provide an update in each issue of “Serving NC,” the state CAI Chapter newsletter. Look for the new issue, which should arrive this week. However, I wanted to provide my most recent update, which provides information on some of the Chapter’s many activities. For more details, visit the Chapter website at www.cai-nc.org.
Also, mark your calendar and register ASAP for the 2016 NC-CAI Annual Conference and Expo on April 7-8 in Greensboro at the Sheraton Four Seasons. This will be a great event! Julie Adamen of HOA Manager Newsline is the keynote speaker. Learning sessions include excellent presentations on new communications technologies, drones, dealing with difficult board members, stormwater facilities, advanced collections, running better meetings. and more. The theme this year is Step-Up Your Game in 2016, which is appropriate since it will be Final Four week.
For more information and to register, visit www.cai-nc.org.
In the last few years, North Carolina and the world of community associations have changed.
Our state’s population recently passed 10 million, making us the 9th largest state. However, we are 5th largest in number of community associations. That’s almost 14,000 associations with more than 2 million residents!
This growth has led to greater attention, media coverage and legislative proposals. That makes CAI’s education, credentialing, resources, networking, and advocacy more necessary than ever. CAI-NC is the state’s largest organization dedicated to building better communities. Our membership includes homeowners and association leaders, community managers and firms, and other professionals who provide products and services to community associations.
Here’s an update on some Chapter activities:
- New Sponsor Program. The annual sponsor program has been redesigned with new benefits and more value. Three “Management Company Champion” and four “Supporting Partner” levels provide greater presence in the industry, higher visibility with current and potential clients, and recognition as experienced community association professionals. Please get to know our annual sponsors in this issue or online and support their businesses.
- Regional Council Redesign. CAI’s Regional Councils have long operated with varying authority and purpose. The Chapter has given structure to these groups with uniform policies, terms, and officers. If you would like to be involved at the Council level, let me know and we’ll connect you with Council leadership.
- Legislative Activity. Our Legislative Action Committee (LAC) will be busy this year. 2015 saw the most legislative proposals ever. At least 5 bills could be considered this year, from requiring that community managers be real estate brokers to restricting assessment collection for nonpaying owners. The LAC now has access to our Chapter’s messaging software for direct communications with members. While there is a LAC article elsewhere in this issue, special thanks to Robb Baer, 2016 LAC Chair.
- Support the LAC. LAC advocacy is important and deserves your financial help. Associations and community managers can provide support through CAI’s “Dollar-a-Door Campaign.” Anyone can contribute to the LAC at www.bit.ly/Donate-LAC.
- 2016 Annual Conference. NC-CAI’s “Step-Up Your Game” Conference & Expo will be held April 7-8 in Greensboro with outstanding speakers, educational sessions and networking. Put it on your calendar! More info at http://www.cai-nc.org.
- Events Calendar. A calendar of statewide events can be found at the Chapter Website.
- Coming Soon. The Chapter has many plans for the year, including new software to meet database and technology needs, a redesigned Chapter Website, more-frequent communications to members, and more!
When you have a chance, please thank the volunteers who direct NC-CAI as the 2016 Chapter Board: Kyle Berzina, Hope Carmichael, Jay Emmer, Marie Gray, Dave Harvey, John McInerney, Andy Onofrio, Steve Saieed, Mike Stonestreet, and Karen Swope. All are volunteers who take time to help CAI.
If you want to discuss any Chapter issue, call or e-mail me through www.lawfirmcarolinas.com.
This will be an exciting year for the North Carolina CAI Chapter!