The Annual Conference of the North Carolina Chapter of the Community Associations Institute will be held Thursday, August 1 and Friday, August 2 at the Wilmington Convention Center (515 Nutt Street). Attendees will include community association professionals and community leaders from across the state.
During the Friday educational sessions, several Law Firm Carolinas attorneys will be speaking on issues of concern to community associations, including:
Friday, August 2 at 8:30 am
David Wilson (with Dawn Becker-Durnin, NFP, and Jessica Due, NFP)
Contractual Risk Transfer for Communities: It’s Not Just About the Certificate of Insurance
Communities need to outsource work such as landscaping, roofing, paving, pool maintenance & lifeguarding as well as electrical and plumbing. Most simply collect a certificate of insurance from the contractor and work begins. However, effective risk transfer starts not with the certificate of insurance but with the contract itself. This session will examine why communities need to implement good contracts and what essential information should be included to more effectively transfer risk to protect your communities.
Friday, August 2 at 2:15 pm
Harmony Taylor
Rental Restrictions and Rental Wrangling: Dealing with Rental Issues in Changing Communities
Explore changes in the rental landscape in different types of planned communities, what those changes mean to these communities, and the pros and cons of rental restrictions. No one-size-fits-all for every type of planned community. We will go into the particulars of how restrictions can benefit your community with careful—as opposed to reactionary—restriction. Further, in light of pending proposed legislation to limit or eliminate a community’s ability to adopt new rental restrictions, ways that communities can effectively address the (real or perceived) negative behaviors of renters without resorting to bans or draconian amendments will be covered. Takeaways will include concrete strategies to deal with possible amendments and what to expect from the legislature impacting a community’s ability to restrict leasing and enforcement recommendations.
Registration cost for the Annual Conference varies based on member or non-member, full conference or just Friday sessions, etc. However, EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS TODAY, July 15.
The full schedule and registration information can be found at the 2019 NC-CAI Annual Conference Page.