In most if not all counties in North Carolina, including Guilford, Mecklenburg, New Hanover and Wake County, travel for purposes of exchanging children pursuant to a custody agreement or court order is permitted. You should check your particular county’s Shelter in Place policy, but most likely exchanges for purposes of exercising custodial agreements are permitted.
If Shelter in Place rules prevent you from exchanging at the location designated in your agreement such as inside a restaurant or at a local park that is closed, you may need to move the designated meeting place to another spot. Be sure to communicate the change to the other parent and whenever possible, discuss an appropriate spot with the other parent.
See also these Custody and Visitation Recommendations During COVID-19 from the NC Family Court Advisory Commission.
If you have any questions about the effect Shelter in Place policies or the Corona Virus may have on your custody schedule, give us a call at Law Firm Carolinas with offices in Greensboro, Charlotte, Wilmington and Garner.