For almost thirty years, my parliamentary procedure website has had more articles and resources on meeting procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order than most anywhere else online. In part due to the new Robert’s Rules of Order (released 2020), the site has been completely revamped and updated, with all references now to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition).
The updated website includes:
- Dozens of charts and articles on running effective meetings, all revised to the new Robert’s 12th Edition.
- Guides/”cheat sheets” to the new Robert’s and other major parliamentary manuals, including The Standard Code.
- Tips on how smaller boards can follow more relaxed procedures than larger membership meetings.
- Articles on things to consider when looking at electronic meetings (including hybrid meetings), suggested rules and tips for electronic meetings, and differences between large virtual and in-person meetings.
- Advice on handling the most frequently used parliamentary motions.
- Hundreds of brain teasers, all citing the new Robert’s.
- A searchable database of 2,000 parliamentary procedure article titles and authors.
- 100+ parliamentary law blog posts.
- Parliamentary quotations.
- Daily news articles mentioning Robert’s Rules.
- Links to major parliamentary organizations and other meetings resources.
The updated site can still be found at Check it out!
Jim Slaughter is an attorney, Certified Professional Parliamentarian, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, and past President of the American College of Parliamentary Lawyers. He is author of four books on association meeting procedure, including Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track and Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules, Fifth Edition. For charts and articles on meeting procedure, visit