Like to Use Emojis With Your Professional Contacts? Enjoy Your Lawsuit.

The use of emojis has become a daily form of communication without getting into a long telephone or text conversation.  It conveys, or attempts to convey, information to an intended recipient certain actions, feelings, thoughts or intended actions of the sender towards someone or something.  It can apply in private conversations or in mass communications such as social media platforms. What happens when the recipient of an emoji takes the meaning to be vastly different than the intention of the sender?  The ramifications of such a miscommunication can result in costly lawsuits and thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees as … Continue reading

Adoption Is Great . . . Except for Some

Adoption, for most people, is a time of celebration.  A time to welcome a child into their home and a time to expand their family.  It is a wonderful avenue to establish and solidify rights to a child outside of a child custody proceeding.  But what happens if a biological father, who would have wanted the child, did not know of a child’s existence prior to an adoption proceeding?  The answer is, as it is in most cases, it depends. North Carolina adoption statutes set out the mechanism regarding how adoptions take place, who can adopt, and most importantly, whose … Continue reading